One more #Spanner-related thing I don't think I've ever mentioned online before, except maybe in the old project blog I abandoned back in 2015: this is a #WoldNewton story. In 1999 I decided, after reading about Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton project, to make Sia the great-granddaughter of Doc Savage, here called Doc Wilder. Lately I built an entire hero foundation around him, the Wilder Foundation.
Sia is basically Doc Savage as a beautiful bisexual slut.
A note, especially for #WoldNewton, #DocSavage, and #StarTrek fans (did you know Spock's descended from major Wold Newton figure Sherlock Holmes through his mother?): "Sia is Doc Savage as a beautiful bisexual slut" is a riff on "Captain Kirk is a beautiful lesbian", which originated in this classic blog post: