Ah, #NaNoWriMo. My Twitter feed didn't get really interesting until NaNo '09. Twitter was a lot more interesting then, actually. Then it had an IPO and inevitably degenerated into the Infamous Birdsite so many people are leaving for Mastodon. I'm only there now to keep up on the news and post #Spanner #amediting updates (now crossposted from here and inevitably condensed).
This November will be the NaNo that makes Mastodon, if I can help it.
Next year, it's #FAWM.
As I'm returning to #NaNoWriMo after a year off, I now have an absolute deadline for #amediting #Spanner In The Works: September 30. It must be completely done and in post-production by then so I can start my intensive preparation for this year's NaNo novel, Red Pangolina, on October 1. It'll be my first time off the #cyberpunk reservation and out of the Chaos Angel Spanner series (whose high concept is really Shadowrun with superheroes, newtypes, hereditary vampires, and Videodrome, but still).
Red Pangolina's not #cyberpunk, but it's still in the #Spanner branch of the #WoldNewton universe, starring one of its major characters (Willa Richter-Thomas during her late '80s-early '90s Rockergirl glory days) in a story about her wild and tragic love for a Viktor Tsoi-like Soviet rocker in the dying days of the Soviet Union. The titular fire-engine-red Soviet sports car is the symbol of their love introduced in Spanner In The Works. I'm excited about this.
But before I start on Red Pangolina for #NaNoWriMo '18, I need to #amediting #Spanner In The Works completely before September 30. I'm racing the Ticking Clock right now.