I always hear about people keeping hundreds of tabs open, but I really like when I've been working on some code for a while and I have like 14 tabs open and I want to stop and do something else, so I just close the window and watch all the tabs disappear. It's such a like... "clearing my brain" / "cleaning shit up" kind of good feeling. Like I know whenever I start coding again, I'm gonna start with a fresh slate you know?
@arcatech I don't get it either lol I always close out everything when I'm done. I would get lost so fast if I kept a hundred tabs open
@nocash Seriously!! The idea of having to search through like 50 tabs just feels so stressful to me. I would rather do actual web/history searches for stuff than to try to find a tab in a huge list.
@arcatech same seriously though like everyone I know just keeps every tab open indefinitely lol it's insanity
@arcatech I've found Safari's tab groups super-handy for that sort of thing. I definitely don't keep hundreds of tabs open, but I can easily do like 10-15 for a given subject, and tab groups let me keep them separated and organised.
@virtualwolf I haven't actually tried using tab groups! I never use the safari sidebar. I'm gonna give it a try though and see how I feel about it.
@arcatech Haha yeah, I never use the sidebar either, but you can add the "Sidebar/Tab groups" to the toolbar and get a dropdown to switch between groups without needing to waste a bunch of horizontal space leaving the sidebar open.
@virtualwolf Ok that's way better than having the sidebar open all the time
@arcatech yes! i appreciate a clean slate/desk when i have to start working again. come back to the middle of a vigorous search never feels great.
@arcatech this is my position exactly! I set my history retention to one year so I can re-find a tab if I ever need it
but seeing all those tabs on other people’s screens just makes me itchy
@arcatech I sometimes even go as far as closing all programs and restarting my machine, am I crazy? XD
@arcatech I would like to be that person, but my ADHD brain has me convinced I'll lose context later if I don't have a minimum of 250 tabs open at any given moment.
@arcatech you are a brave person! I'm going to try that tonight.
@arcatech for me, the really good feeling is when you solve the bug/finish the feature, and all those tabs are now not necessary anymore. The pure avalanche of dopamine from closing all of them, there's nothing like it XD
@arcatech My strategy: different browser window in a different desktop for different projects. :) Works on Windows and Mac!