So I sincerely want to use this platform more, but is there a way to make the search function more effective? Is this a settings thing?
I try searching for like "link preview" to see what the deal is with Mastodon and link previews, and I get no results.
Really? Nobody on mastodon is asking or explaining about this? It's gotta be out there, but how do I -actually search- the wider fediverse
Ok so search is literally just for hashtags and usernames?
this is a real problem! I welcome suggestions
@anthony Figured out a few days ago that "search" is really lacking on Mastadon.
@JMOChicago Yeah it seems like it's both a technical limitation (requires running elasticsearch, additional configuration) and a design choice
@JMOChicago I think given that federation as a structure already limits reach, not letting you search -at least- yourself and the people you follow, to say nothing of the larger fediverse, is a major limitation