Can't remember if I shared this already, but I made a harmonized data set of all the CPS budget books from FY15-FY23 that you can query or download here (heads up it's ~4m rows)
Some notes:
to get everything in one place, I renamed the explicit references to years with relative ones ("proposed_budget_FY23" -> "proposed_budget_fiscal_year") and added a fiscal_year column
Also CPS was inconsistent as to which fields they included each year (e.g. "ending budget" or "approved ending budget"), etc, so not all fields have values for all years.
You can make your own calls about what is functionally equivalent.
They were also inconsistent in how they labeled specific funds/grants/schools/etc, so I also extracted the labels into separate tables from the ids.
You can check those tables to confirm what a specific fund/program/account ID was labeled in a particular year, but in the view I shared above, I just use the latest labels for consistency
Lastly if you want to link this to other CPS data, most of it uses school_id, which isn't in this file. The budgets use the finance_id (in the original data it's the number in the "unit" column without the u in front).
This is a crosswalk to join them