Several talks at #FOSDEM will be related to recent work of mine. I'm highlighting them in the thread below (with links). Feel free to reach out to me if you want to know more and/or cannot attend.
… and have a great FOSDEM!
@zimoun will present « Guix + #SoftwareHeritage Source Code Archiving to the Rescue of Reproducible Deployment » on Saturday:
The presentation is about the work we did to integrate GNU #Guix with the @swheritage archive, so that when users try to (re)build packages whose source code has disappeared from the new, it will still work!
This is key for scientific #reproducibility. See our #ACMREP paper from last year for more details:
My colleague and dear friend Sebastiano Vigna will present «Huge #graph analysis on your own server with #WebGraph in #Rust» on Saturday . The talk is about our recent clean slate Rust re-implementation of WebGraph, which is the best #FOSS compression framework out there for big graphs (as in: trillions of edges).
For more details, checkout our WWW 2024 paper about it:
Last but not least, my student @luj will present «How reproducible is #NixOS?» on Saturday . The talk is about our large-scale historical (2017-2023) experiments on the bitwise reproducibility of #Nix packages. Unmissable if you are into functional package managers and/or #reproduciblebuilds .
For the gory details, check out the preprint of our #MSR2025 paper about this work:
@zacchiro I'll be there.