Wishing there was a better place to discuss building (and how to make a lifestyle around) energy- efficient (superinsulated, passive solar) homes. Can’t find my people, builders don’t care, and there’s no real place to go.
And yeah, I’ve looked into Earthships, but I don’t want to live in the desert and given I just spent a bunch on a radon mitigation system, I don’t want to build one. Partially underground is neat, but it’d need radon mitigation from the start.
Instead, I’ll likely build a climate-battery passive solar greenhouse that will look a lot like a little Earthship, but will be concerned with growing food in the winter. https://youtu.be/kDJ7E5SdBZ0
@mathiasx I’m into those things and am currently working on my house too. Been through a lot of planning and compromise. Have done a complete 180 from my initial plans and what started small, has ended up being a giant multigenerational house. Radon isn’t hard to mitigate if you plan for it. We’re doing ICF(Fox Blocks) and for years I thought they were too expensive. When I factored ALL the costs in and saw my friend build one, I was sold.
This group specializes in UK home energy retrofits https://carbon.coop/
https://zerowastechef.com/ is a california based writer who focuses on sustainable food and has some neat ideas that don't involve buying more stuff.
@mathiasx I'm definitely into this. It does seem kinda surprising that this guy's greenhouse wouldn't be built into the ground at all.
are you making any progress on this?
@frigginglorious I don’t have the land for it, but some day I will!
@mathiasx I got some land for it. My growing season is not much longer than theirs is.... But dang that's a lot of work.