Hello David,
I just found your article about Mastodon' s iOS apps and it happens I found myself another app still in beta you didn't mention.
It's called Avalanche.
I'm giving a try and it's quite interesting
@CutThroatNeko actually us too!! but I can't tell ya how much I appreciate you thinking to reach out.
so at this point, I'm still waiting to hear back from its developer. it's actually about time I try another means of contacting them, now that you mention it.
here's the GH Issue for the app - if you wanna share your thoughts there, that'd be killer. https://github.com/extratone/FediiOS/issues/2
@DavidBlue Oh ! Great repo you did there !
I will try to say some words about Avanlanche.
A long time ago, I was testflighting this one too, but sadly it seems the development stopped and the app is not available anymore.
It used an UI close to Tweetbot and was really promising.
May be you should try to contact the developer too ?
@CutThroatNeko oooo I swear I remember this one too?? unfortunately, I think I have your answer. https://mastodon.social/web/statuses/101359396630156503
Oh ...
That's too bad.
But at least, it's not lost !
@CutThroatNeko I found him on Twitter and this was the first post I saw... https://twitter.com/pcperini/status/1418735406712082436