As with every #STFUfriday post, I'm a lawyer in the USA. These comments are based on law in the USA. (And they apply to all people in the USA, whether or not they are citizens.) Some US states provide more protections than this. /end
As with every #STFUfriday post, I'm a lawyer in the USA. These comments are based on law in the USA. (And they apply to all people in the USA, whether or not they are citizens.) Some US states provide more protections than this. /end
It’s #STFUfriday!
When cops ask you questions, ask for a lawyer and then STFU:
- I am not discussing how I’m doing or where I’m going.
- Am I free to leave?
- I am not answering any questions.
- If they ask to search anything: "I do not consent to a search."
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
It's March. And talking to the cops without a lawyer is madness.
If cops start questioning you ...
@exador23 @ai6yr
No. See #STFUFriday posts for accurate, legal advice.
Due to a Supreme Court case, you must clearly state you're invoking your right to remain silent and that you want to speak to your lawyer. Then, STFU.
Did nobody tell Sinn Féin TD, Thomas Gould, about STFU Friday?
(Which, we can only assume, extends into Saturday.)
As with every #STFUfriday post, I'm a lawyer in the USA. These comments are based on law in the USA. (And they apply to all people in the USA, whether or not they are citizens.) Some US states provide more protections than this. /end
It’s #STFUfriday!
When cops ask you questions, ask for a lawyer and then STFU:
- I am not discussing how I’m doing or where I’m going.
- Am I free to leave?
- I am not answering any questions.
- If they ask to search anything: "I do not consent to a search."
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
Telling the cops a story with embarrassing bits left out and then telling a different story at trial? That change is going to be used to make you look like a liar. "I forgot" won't work. STFU. Lawyer.
I’m curious to know if there’s a place we can go to find out what are the new, trending, and consistent hashtags being used here?
Some you might want to follow/use while we’re on the topic:
But yeah one of the things I’m confused about here is whether I’m seeing stats from the *entire* fediverse or is my view limited by the server I’m part of
#STFUfriday is 100% taken care of this week!
There's a hashtag for this timely thread, because it's #STFUFriday.
@catsalad @Em0nM4stodon +9001%
My Energy is:
"#UnsupervisedChildren will be given free #USB Flashdroves with @tails_live / @tails / #Tails on and taught proper #E2EE with #PGP/MIME, #XMPP+#OMEMO, #SelfCustody as well as the concept of #STFUfriday!"
@cryptoparty / #CryptoParty NOW!
As I say in all my #STFUfriday posts, I’m a lawyer in the USA and these posts are based on law in the in USA. The rights discussed apply to everyone, regardless of whether you’re a citizen. Some states provide more protections than this. /end
In response to my #STFUfriday posts, people sometimes ask what happens when you ask for a lawyer. What's the process for getting a lawyer?
Depends. The takeaway is this: even if you can’t get a lawyer right away, a night in jail waiting for court and a lawyer is far less painful than potentially years behind bars because you didn’t STFU.
Hey everyone, it's #STFUFriday!
Here's a little something everyone can practice going into this weekend: don't talk to the cops.
Don't say hi, don't shoot the breeze, don't say "thanks" when they do something "nice" for you (they don't need your thanks they're getting paid $$$$ out of your taxes and on the weekend they are getting paid even more).
Just don't talk to them. It's that easy. Walk past as if they aren't there. This is great practice for when the cops inevitably end up facing off against you as you protest fascism.
Let's do a quick review:
Cops enforced slavery
Cops enforced women's servitude to their husbands
Cops enforced Jim Crow and segregation
What makes you think that cops are somehow going to magically wake up this time and not enforce fascist laws?
Don't kid yourself and don't believe the liberal whitewashing of the police. You don't have to yell ACAB from the rooftops but you DO need to understand that the police are never your friends, allies, or even a neutral party in this fight. Their ranks are full of MAGATs, racists, and misogynists, as well as sympathisers who cover up for the racists and misogynists.
But also, immediately pair it with "I want a lawyer." Those two should be inseparable. It's sweet.
As with every #STFUfriday post, I'm a lawyer in the USA. These comments are based on law in the USA. (And they apply to all people in the USA, whether or not they are citizens.) Some US states provide more protections than this. /end
It’s #STFUfriday!
When cops ask you questions, ask for a lawyer and then STFU:
- I am not discussing how I’m doing or where I’m going.
- Am I free to leave?
- I am not answering any questions.
- If they ask to search anything: "I do not consent to a search."
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
No long thread this week. Just take care of yourself and your people.
When cops want to talk, you say:
As with every #STFUfriday post, I'm a lawyer in the USA. These comments are based on law in the USA. (And they apply to all people in the USA, whether or not they are citizens.) And when I say that some US states provide more protections than this, it really is true. /end
It’s #STFUfriday!
When cops ask you questions, ask for a lawyer and then STFU:
- I am not discussing how I’m doing or where I’m going.
- Am I free to leave?
- I am not answering any questions.
- If they ask to search anything: "I do not consent to a search."
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
States can provide greater protections than the feds. People should push state legislators and judicial candidates to reject authoritarian federal rules and say, “We don’t do that here.”
For example
@wxcafe #STFUfriday is every day!
Ok folks, hit me with your favorite “shut the fuck up/don’t talk to cops” videos. Apparently certain members of my family need some remedial education.