One of the best Sunday feelings: having a cookie jar full of freshly-baked scones to start the week.
Son disliked scones for some reason ... the rest of the family loves them .. definitely not a done thing here in French and if you find them they tend to be expensive (but hell €1.50 will make you 9 or 10) ... anyways one day I threw a square of his dark chocolate into one .. (yes he likes dark chocolate 70% - 95% depending on his mood) .. and now he LOVES scones .. just getting over that initial hurdle of I don't like this! #dadlife #scones #sunday #parenting
New at my Patreon... On a break from the city, @NarrelleMHarris and I investigated a village whose famous cafe shares its name with a detective invented by Agatha Christie:
Dateline Sassafras: The mystery of the missing scone
I want to bake something. Too cold today to make dough rise, though.
Maybe #scones. Scones are nice.
What are y'alls favourite scone recipes?
Please boost for reach.
This is what I’m talking about. #scones
@jovial_cynic This is unacceptable. No wonder people aren't flocking to Mastodon in droves. Not enough scone talk! #scones
What's weird is that when I click on the hashtag #scones the only post I see is my own. Is my instance defederated from a lot of the fediverse or are there just not a lot of folks on Mastodon talking about scones?
I'm making scones because I'm a grown-ass adult and I wanted some scones. #scones
Had @mathias over yesterday for brunch...? ...brinner? Something like that.
I made giant blueberry scones and French press coff for us and he cooked up sausage and eggs was a lovely meal and time!
#baking #FurryBaking #scones
Und natürlich hatte ich nicht nur reguläre Scones gebacken, sondern auch rein pflanzliche Kuchenbrötchen, damit alle auf ihre Kosten kommen. Mein Rezept hier ist mit gefriergetrockneten Erdbeeren, gestern waren allerdings getrocknete Feigen und Cranberrys im Teig. Nom!
#food #vegan #Scones #Kuchenbrötchen #FrischGebacken #AfternoonTea #Geburtstag #veganesRezept
Ich freue mich sehr über Boosts - mein Foodblog lebt davon. Danke!
Geburtstagsfeier (Afternoon Tea Party) gestern war sehr schön, aber heute sind meine Spoons dafür auch sehr leer. Aber um euch den Link für zum Rezept für die himmlische Scones da zu lassen reicht es noch:
#food #scones #Tea #Tee #Party #TeaParty #Geburtstag #Rezept #Kuchenbrötchen #spoonielife
(Wie immer: Vielen Dank fürs Weiterverteilen des Links. Davon lebt mein Blog! )
It’s already a while ago, but with Easter I also made scones from scratch. First time I did that! Should really do it more often, because it was delicious with jam and clotted cream