#TuneTuesday is all about #KickBackTunes - songs that you play when you want/need to kick back and relax.
This song both soothes and terrifies me and hence is a perfect choice for today, as this is basically my current mood:
Build A Fire by the KLF
The White Room, 1991
New on the fansite: interview with John Cook, bassist with Strawberry Switchblade 1983-4.
He talks not only about his time on the road and in the studio with the band, but also about his earlier career with Jimmy Cauty who went on to be half of the KLF, and his subsequent academic work including a new paper on his final gig with Strawberry Switchblade.
And, just like that, I've got 3 AM Eternal stuck in my head. #music #klf
"It's grim up north" from The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu.
Promoted by some graffiti on the northbound carriageway of the M1 somewhere down south.
Contains tonight's oldest lyric, "Jerusalem" was written by William Blake in 1804, for Status Quo's latest touring theatrical performance.
They're justified and they're ancient
And they like to roam the land
They're justified and they're ancient
I hope you understand
#klf #thewhiteroom #arecordeveryday
Most of my hurdy-gurdy listening comes from France (the band, who do intense hour-long drones) so Local Psycho and The Hurdy-Gurdy Orchestra (Jimmy Cauty from the KLF and Jem Finer from the Pogues) tearing through a wild 135 seconds is an absolute joy.
I heard it on Iggy Pop's BBC Radio 6 Music show, which is always great.
KLF's book The Manual is one of the most on the spot critiques of pop music wrapped in a "how to have a #1 the easy way" guidebook or your $$ back. Everyone should read it even if you're not in music. It applies to life.
It is out of print and copies sell in the hundreds (what did i do with my copy!!??).
Fortunately, KLF approves of this online version:
"This is what S-Bahn Hamburg is about - Last Train to Transcentral". #klf
Today we're looking for #MyPreciousMusic on #TuneTuesday, favourite music in a physical form. I have many to choose from on CD (80s Maiden, Quiet Riot, the mini-CD single of Under Pressure).
But my first choice is The White Room by The KLF. A novelty album by a bonkers art project that is also dammed good. And for many years it wasn't available, after the release was deleted.
All aboard.
Apropos nothing, said “What time is love?” during a meeting yesterday - got blank looks from my millennial crew - didn’t explain but just left it there …..
@pavsmith knows about what I’m talking ….
bit of old school subversion for #jukeboxFridayNight: ladies & gentlemen & everyone else, it's the KLF.
(i never understood why people didn't get the money burning stunt.)
#KLF #electronic #music #subversion #politics #situationism #trance
('what time is love?' - the KLF, 1988)