A bit rough crossing the sound; big white-capped swells rolling us to and fro a little. But it also pushed us across a little quicker than usual. #ImOnABoat
#Laichwiltach Nation’s Hereditary Chief Tsahaukuse's (aka George Quocksister Jr.) traditional, #handwoven Chief's #hat. Made from yellow #cedar bark with beading & an #EagleFeather attached.
Sitting in front of the woven hat is a row of some #handcarved miniature canoe #paddles, carved from red & yellow cedar. Chief Darren Blaney of the #Xwémalhkwu aka #Homalco #FirstNation #carved over 100 of these paddles. They were carved in #honour of the many young Homalco lives lost.
Wir legen ab. #imonaboat #mdRzA
Now to walk down the mall to the #Bulova store.. #ImOnABoat #MermaidShrimp #OneMoreWatch
#SQLinjection in login dialog of web-based #YABOOK harbour administration allows authentication bypass
#pentest #sailing #hafenverwaltung #imonaboat