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NatureUnique formation of organic glass from a human brain in the Vesuvius eruption of 79 CE - Scientific ReportsGlass forms when a liquid is fast cooled preventing crystallization, across a reversible process known as the glass transition. Organic tissues are commonly preserved as glass by processes of vitrification at very low temperatures, known as cryopreservation, and can return to their original soft state when heated back to ambient temperature. It would therefore be impossible to find organic glass embedded in volcanic deposits that have reached several hundred of Celsius degrees. Here we demonstrate that material with glassy appearance found within the skull of a seemingly male human body entombed within the hot pyroclastic flow deposits of the 79 CE Vesuvius eruption formed by a unique process of vitrification of his brain at very high temperature, and is the only such occurrence on Earth. Calorimetric analyses show that the temperature at which the brain transformed into glass was well above 510 °C, implying that the body was exposed to the passage and vanishing of a short-lived, dilute and much hotter pyroclastic flow, explaining its early fast heating and the following very fast cooling. The glass that formed as a result of such a unique process attained a perfect state of preservation of the brain and its microstructures.

Michelangelo had an astonishing understanding of human anatomy, which was so advanced that some of his artwork reveals details that were unknown or poorly understood in his time. One particularly obscure example is the "Creation of Adam" on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Researchers have noted that the depiction of God surrounded by angels resembles an anatomically accurate cross-section of the human brain.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

They found that each rat #Hippocampal synapse can store between 4.1 and 4.6 bits of #information.

This means the #HumanBrain may be capable of holding at least a #petabyte of information, equivalent to the data contained on the entire #Internet

Human brain can hold 10 times more information than previously thought, scientists say

Replied in thread

@8124 :

In you wrote (to someone else):

> Free speech for me, but not for thee.

And in you wrote to me:

> Society would be better off with your account deleted.

I'm not going to take offence.

Our instinct preaches us "survival of the fittest". This (short time) us-them "thinking" instructs us to kill the enemy first and to reject anything that may distract from that primary goal. (Looking far back in time, I don't know whether this was "a good idea", but here we are).

Fortunately, most humans were also blessed with the ability to *reason*. It may require *a lot* of effort, but using that mechanism one may *overrule* their instinctive compulsive behavior.

Reasoning means, among a lot of things, looking back (into history) and predict the consequences of what you're up to. And to at least temporarily remove your blinders so that you can actually *listen* to people, at least to those with moderate points of view.

Please consider that, because you feel extreme pain, your instinct does its best to prevent you from reasoning. All I ask is to give the matter actual *thoughts*.

cc @0xamit
cc @serge
cc @hovav
cc @bonkers
cc @davemangot
cc @OeconomicusRatio

cc @onrust
cc @MarianneTiel
cc @PartijvoordeDieren

Babka Social8124 ( Free speech for me, but not for thee. Please take down your sign for pragmatic reasons, but don’t you dare criticize me for saying Israel Is The New Nazis or whatever trite antisemitic bullshit i’ll dream up next
Replied in thread

I oft think on what I've learned about the #HumanBrain & how our vision works. The way our brains filter out "unimportant" details because of how we evolved.

Coupled with the A-pillar blind spots lining up perfectly with our #PeripheralVision, & it becomes terrifying how much we don't actually see because our brains actively suppress details & fill in the blanks. All the while, we're 100% convinced we saw everything & "They came out of nowhere."

Not addressed much by #AutoIndustry.