I played inferno, and it was not the worse, but also we forgot about one aspect of the game so it didn't help.
I played inferno, and it was not the worse, but also we forgot about one aspect of the game so it didn't help.
This is an effective strategy to not drink too much. Good lord it’s foul. Why would Biden do this?!
#VCSBG Tuesday night #boardgames and #craftbeer at Pedals & Pints in #thousandoaks
Harmonies and Medici, two great small games with striking table presence hit the table.
Meanwhile, Bob and John etc played an oldie but a goodie in Lancaster. I have not played that in yonks. Yet that map seems strangely familiar.
Deception Murder in Hong Kong, and Clank! Catacombs were played on other tables.
My medic did a medic thing and helped a party member who had been acid-splashed by one of the biomorphs.
She also made a note to pack a box of baking soda for future missions.
So we successfully drugged the warlord and turned him over to the insurrectionists/Marines and managed to get thrown out (well, asked to leave) by the second-in-command, so we are OUTTA HERE.
Right. The plan is to drug the warlord and hand him over to the insurrectionists/marines and then GTFO this planet.
Nova is preparing a syringe for Charlotte to use on the warlord.
Charlotte is getting gussied up for a private dinner with him.
All of this, to help the insurrectionists.
(I swear, it's just a game . . .)
My medic has talked the rest of the party out of killing the warlord and into paralyzing him instead. Getting him out of the way so the marines can deal with it is the current plan.
She needs to research paralytics, of course . . .
Our GM has made a layered map with working doors and functional staircases! This is FUN STUFF, kids.
Bringing the player who was absent last week up to speed and teasing him about how his PC stayed behind with one of the NPCs (who's hot, okay, she is) and perhaps making him blush a little until he realizes we're KIDDING MAN JUST KIDDING.
Anyway. On to the recap, and then we'll start tonight's shenanigans.
Saturday night.
Game is about to start (in, oh, 16 minutes).
We did more garden-stuff shopping and buying today. Got the third raised bed, got some humus/manure compost, got some "wear this outside" clothes. And waterproof calf-high boots with pollinators all over 'em. I love them.
Came home, did some maintenance tasks like burning trash and tending to that poor neglected compost tumbler, and setting up the kitchen compost bin again (on the porch this time).
Made dinner. Ate it.
Put stuff in laundry hamper to be washed tomorrow. Or Monday. We'll see.
Made a batch of low-carb BBQ sauce to have with the boneless country-style pork ribs, when the kids from up north come see us tomorrow.
Oops, game's in 12 minutes. Gotta run. Bye.
Selam, Türkiye
With Skoro 3.12 you can play games and sports and count your score in Turkish
Skoro on the App Store:
My husband got Bandido and I’m obsessed! Played for 3 hours straight. It’s the perfect mix of chill and thinking. We need to master it and then get Bandida. Highly recommend it for couples!
Friday rush for happy hour? Looks more like Clash of the Goblins! Dicing of the Orcs?
Wishing you a great weekend of adventuring!