@baldur @MikeElgan #fgoogle when the history of the internet is written, #google will be a villain not a hero
@baldur @MikeElgan #fgoogle when the history of the internet is written, #google will be a villain not a hero
@drahardja filed under #fgoogle because #megacorps suck effective #monoplies suck
@gerrymcgovern #fgoogle megacorps are a plague on society
@verge filed under #fgoogle screw #google b/c functional #monopolies always suck
@carnage4life yet another reason to use the hashtag #fgoogle b/c f*ck #google and once again we need damn #unions workers pay & benefits are something #corporations will always seek to reduce no matter how much the lie about it to us
@majorlinux #fgoogle I really really despise #google
@briankrebs #fgoogle we don’t have free markets we have effective monopoly after monopoly
@EeveeEuphoria #fgoogle #google like all our #monopoly b.s. craptastic billionaire powerplays are bent on recreating a new form of feudalism.
Screw #google.
We have to rewrite antitrust laws and actual enforce them
@gregeganSF filled under the #fgoogle hashtag
@gamingonlinux this falls under the #fgoogle hashtag
@nixCraft It’s interesting that billionaire controlled media has been in a constant freak out about government oppression and big brother for like 100 years now, when ELECTED government was invented to reign in the power of unelected private wealth & power. The danger is really “big techbro” where the people have no say
Can’t elect a tech bro or throw a musk out of office etc
@WorkingFamilies #fgoogle #google is a vile company
@00Aaron #Fgoogle #techbros are the real #bigbrother #goverment at least is elected