It felt good to create a new folder for photos named "Kevät" – the Finnish for "spring" – on my computer today. I know the winter is not finished with us yet. Cold spells during the spring months are called "takatalvi" here. They will arrive and all shall despair :D But still, it's March now!
It snowed and rained today, so I was not too keen on exposing my camera to the weather. I took a few photos and none of them are worth posting. An out-of-focus shot of a stock dove behind some branches and so on. But my stroll was not boring by any means, far from it. I heard the local goshawks... Well, you know. They are quite loud. I also saw two fluffy balls high in the trees – tawny owl chicks! And then jays arrived to bully them. I hope to get photos of the chicks soon.
Meanwhile, I decided to post this fairly typical winter landscape photo from two weeks ago when I visited Tarvo. We probably won't get sunny and snowy days like these anytime soon. Tarvo is an island on the border of Helsinki and Espoo. Fun fact: it used to be a hub for alcohol smuggling during the prohibition in the early 1900s.