Marvel Preview: Deadpool / Wolverine #3
The knock-down, drag-out DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE fight you’ve been clamoring for!
Marvel Preview: Deadpool / Wolverine #3
The knock-down, drag-out DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE fight you’ve been clamoring for!
Justin Baldoni Loses “Highly Personal & Intimate Information” Court Battle With Blake Lively; Risk Of Disclosure Is Great,” Judge Warns Both Sides
#Legal #News #AnotherSimpleFavor #BlakeLively #BryanFreedman #Deadpool #ItEndsWithUs #JustinBaldoni #LivelyBaldoni #MelissaNathan #RyanReynolds #SXSW
Deadpool celebrates milestone #350 with new villain and more
This June, ‘DEADPOOL’ #15 celebrates 350 issues of the Merc with a Mouth with a giant-sized issue from current and past Deadpool creators!
Random Old Comic: Catch Phrases Catch Phrases #AdmiralAckbar #BacktotheFuture #BrockSamson #Chewbacca #Deadpool #DorothyZbornak #EmmettBrown #GoldenGirls #JeanLucPicard #Marvel #StarTrek #StarWars #Terminator #VentureBros #Worf
Deadpool #12 preview. SPIDER-MAN VS. DEADPOOL(S) - whoever wins…well, some bad #$%& is still going to happen! #comics #comicbooks #deadpool
Deadpool und Wolverin ist purer Fanservice Spaß, den ich sehr genossen habe, weil man sich einfach so geil vorstellen kann, wie Hugh und Ryan zusammen rumgegiggled und sich die ganzen Easter Eggs und Cameos ausgedacht haben.
Ich mag #Deadpool auch, weil er sich als Charakter (und das MCU) nicht so ernst nimmt und nah an der Comicvorlage einfach Spaß in seinem Genre hat.
Man darf einfach Popcorn mampfen, lachen, Dogpool anfeuern und ein 110 % Happy End für alle genießen.
No picks for David Johansson. #DeadPool
Random Old Comic: Catch Phrases Catch Phrases #AdmiralAckbar #BacktotheFuture #BrockSamson #Chewbacca #Deadpool #DorothyZbornak #EmmettBrown #GoldenGirls #JeanLucPicard #Marvel #StarTrek #StarWars #Terminator #VentureBros #Worf
Deadpool unleashes pranks, jokes, and absurdity in April Pool's Day Variant Covers #comics #comicbooks #deadpool
Random Old Comic: Metaweasel Metaweasel #BeverlyCrusher #Data #Deadpool #DeannaTroi #GeordiLaForge #JeanLucPicard #Marvel #Q #StarTrek #TashaYar #WillRiker #Worf
Marvel gets funny with April 2025 Fool’s Day Deadpool covers
Starting on March 19, celebrate APRIL POOL’S DAY with seven variant covers! …
Rob quit #Marvel because he was not invited to the #DeadpoolWolverine afterparty.
"In response, Michael D. Flohr asked "How did they treat Fabian?" And Fabian Nicieza replied "Fabian was treated just fine and Fabian was invited to the after party, so infer from that whatever you wish."
I'm gonna infer that Rob has not changed much.
Deadpool's co-creator, Rob Liefeld, is done with Marvel. The controversial comic artist says that after more than 30 years, he's cutting ties with the publisher because of perceived slights at the New York premiere of "Deadpool & Wolverine," including not being invited to the afterparty and not being acknowledged on the red carpet by Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige. “Kevin Feige does not treat comic book creators well. That is my personal experience,” Liefeld said on his Robservations podcast. Here's more from @THR.
#deadpool movie is hugely overrated
Deadpool #10 preview. DEADPOOL is in the house! And so is, uh, the new DEADPOOL! #comics #comicbooks #deadpool