Another excellent episode of the @simplifyingcomplexity #podcast, this time featuring Ricardo Hausmann of #Harvard Growth Lab, discussing economic #complexity in different countries.
Another excellent episode of the @simplifyingcomplexity #podcast, this time featuring Ricardo Hausmann of #Harvard Growth Lab, discussing economic #complexity in different countries.
What Makes Code Hard to Read: Visual Patterns of Complexity (2023)
#ycombinator #programming #complexity #patterns #JavaScript
The Myth of Human Supremacy
"So where do we begin? We begin by questioning the unquestioned beliefs that are the real authorities of this culture, and then we move out from there. And once you’ve begun that questioning, my job is done, because once those questions start they never stop. From that point on, what you do is up to you."
Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.
— Brian W. Kernighan
This is one reason why I ignore mission statements when I make decisions.
more thoughts on #trump from ugo bardi
(who is still being a antivaxxer and i have still beef with )
but what he has to say on this is still worth thinking about.
he is the fast-#collapse-of-#complexity-guy
i strongly agree with him , the #midterms are a huge leverage point no one seems to have on the radar.
Lynn Margulis was born OTD in 1938. At 29, she published her theory that eukaryotes had evolved via endosymbiosis, after having it rejected by at least 15 other journals.
#HPBio #Complexity #HistSTM #EvoBio #WomeninSTEM
On the origin of mitosing cell...
didn't want to share ugo anymore because he became sort of an antivaxx hippie*, but he is the only one talking about his as far as i can see.
and interestingly, right now, it has absolutely nothing to do with #energy, which is a thing ugo should have mentioned.
the generation 2 collapseologists have a lot to correct themsleves on right now.
*just so you have been warned.
#complexity #collapse #talkcollapse #systemsdynamics #senecacliff
It comes from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try to do too much.
— Steve Jobs
"The hypermarketization of everything", Quinn Slobodian, 2025
Bean counters are attempting to put a monetary value on the complexity of nature
Think of a logged forest.
"The value of the timber produced counts towards Australia’s gross domestic product. But cutting trees down also produces a loss. For example, the forest is no longer there for the community to enjoy. And it no longer provides “services” such as filtering water and preventing soil erosion."
"There are many reasons to measure the value of those services. For example, governments might then be able to charge a logging company a licence fee which reflects the community value of the forest. A government may decide the forest is too valuable to allow logging at all, or the fee may just be set too high for any company to find it profitable to log it."
"To date, the value lost when trees are cut down, or other ecosystems are damaged, has not been included in the national accounts. The new environmental accounts seek to change this."
Hayek's Bastards: Race, Gold, IQ, and the Capitalism of the Far Right
How neoliberals turned to nature to defend inequality after the end of the Cold War,
Quinn Slobodian, 2025 >>
#nature #Biodiversity #EPBCAct #NatureNegative #Naturepositive #complexity #ecosystems #degradation #value #loss #NativeForests #extractivism #hypermarketization
A program is portable to the extent that it can be easily moved to a new computing environment with much less effort than would be required to write it afresh.
— W. Stan Brown
Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.
— E. W. Dijkstra
Whenever there is a sticking point, ask, "are we staying true to the vision?".
— 37Signals
Patterned Quadtree
Manipulation of the quadtree fractal made in GIMP. Original fractal made with Processing.
Living Complexity: Practical applications of Human Complexity in software and digital products development
This book describes 15 practical applications of Human Complexity in the context of software and digital products development. And suggests a new strategy for introducing Complexity thinking to your team and your organisation.
Find the book on Leanpub!
Earlier generations of machines decreased the complexity of tasks. In contrast, information technologies can increase the intellectual content of work at all levels. Work comes to depend on an ability to understand, respond to, manage, and create value from information.
-- Shoshana Zuboff
We all know #complex #systems are most often structured as #networks. But the #complexity of the real world often goes beyond pairwise interactions. So, how does one model these? Why, with #hypergraphs, of course! And how does one learn about them? By attending our School and Conference on Higher-Order Networks! An international line-up of lecturers and speakers will discuss the #mathematics of hypergraphs, the #physics of the processes they support and discuss #algorithms that can be used to study their #structure and #dynamics.
So, are you curious to learn about the mechanisms that a certain #fascist owner of a social network uses to push people to vote for far-right candidates? And do you want to know the most efficient way #democratic governments have to bring down his evil network of satellites if he keeps breaking the law? Join us!
The event will take place from 25 June to 2 July at the International Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal, #Brazil
Please boost widely and send to anyone who you think may be interested, especially students and postdocs!
Contributing a chapter to Christoph Ernsts, Katerina Krtilovas, Jens Schröters, and Andreas Sudmanns forthcoming essay collection "Medientheorien im 21. Jahrhundert" about #UncoventionalComputing: