who could have guessed #chemtrails could rescue us.
thanks for posting!
(p.s., what we really need is a very cheap power breakthrough -- read #fusion, as all of the energy generation models that underlie these projections are based on current tech)
who could have guessed #chemtrails could rescue us.
thanks for posting!
(p.s., what we really need is a very cheap power breakthrough -- read #fusion, as all of the energy generation models that underlie these projections are based on current tech)
what pretty random red #chemtrails over #Falkensee by #Berlin this evening <3
So, glaubt ihr es jetzt?! Damit haben DIE nicht gerechnet! Die Sonne macht die #chemtrails sichtbar. Ich habe gleich auf flightradar nachgeschaut. Kein einziger Flug war dort verzeichnet in der Gegend. Aber lasst euch nur weiter verarschen ihr #schlaschafe
Unglaublich: Pilot weigerte sich, Chemtrails zu versprühen: Kündigung!
#SGU #TheSkepticsGuideToTheUniverse:
The Skeptics Guide #1024 - Feb 22 2025
News Items: #BirdBrains, Indoor #AirQuality, #Abortions and Infant #Mortality, #BlackHoles Without #Singularities, Banning #Chemtrails; Who's That #Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: #Asteroid Hitting the #Moon; #Swindler's List: Tax Scams; #Science or Fiction
Webseite der Episode: https://www.theskepticsguide.org/podcast/sgu
Mediendatei: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/skepticsguide/skepticast2025-02-22.mp3
Und hier: bei den #RubelPatrioten der #AfD gab es mal aus der Partei den Antrag, #Chemtrails zu verbieten. Das nenn ich mal „Mut zur Wahrheit“
Chemtrails bill advances in State Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee https://www.byteseu.com/742416/ #chemtrails #environment
#Chemtrails looking very picturesque this evening!
They must be spreading the Muskjuice extra-strong tonight.
'Boohoo you got a ticket': Trump-backed Arizona senator calls for legislative immunity for speeding
Happy #chemtrails to you, until we meet again.