My #Siberian #cat Siiri loves outdoor activities like climbing trees and hunting straws. She would love to hunt birds but I don't let her. #caturdayeveryday #CatsOfMastodon #suomimastodon #finland
My #Siberian #cat Siiri loves outdoor activities like climbing trees and hunting straws. She would love to hunt birds but I don't let her. #caturdayeveryday #CatsOfMastodon #suomimastodon #finland
How many times has your cat or other animal companion helped you through dark times and get through quagmires? Let's express our gratitude to the beloved fellow animals by taking good care of them and understanding them as best we can.
#caturdayeveryday #neko #cats #lifebetterwithcat #katzen #gatos #chats #gatti
I finally found the answer to “when is it time to stop brushing the #cats” and it’s “when they go into brushies comas”
Belated Re-post for Caturday!
Bringing my adorable cat pics over from Pixtagram.
Hope your Caturday has been delightful.
Wolfie made it under the house. Tried my best to keep him out. Daughter forgot to zip the plastic. He came back in once I stopped hammering screwing and sawing. Freaked him out, lol. Now he won’t go back under early #Caturday #CaturdayEveryday
Tourou est amoureux d'une chaussette....