"everything here is confidential - except tell the world that 16kb page_size is awesome and you want to use it!"
"everything here is confidential - except tell the world that 16kb page_size is awesome and you want to use it!"
One of my favorite apparmor trivia bits is, that Linux offers two ways of setting thread names, one is writing to /proc/<pid>/task/<tid>/comm and the other one is a prctl();
The prctl should be preferred for a multitude of reasons, but one of them is, that this doesn't require DAC or MAC permissions on /proc!
(And yet libc being libc uses the first variant for pthread_setname_np() )
Me: uses the new calendar view in MS Teams since a few days.
MS Teams (daily): would you like to use the new calendar?
We are discussing how Android logd/logcat handles /dev/kmsg timestamps.
I have read syslog-ng and busybox syslogd code before and I already wrote a syslogd myself.
So I thought, maybe systemd journald does something more clever here.
Turns out no.
They store the timestamp as STRING based on clock_monotonic and clock_boottime simultaneously.
Please kill me now.
Instead of admitting, that they don't know, we now have to deal with managers asking ChatGPT for code snippets and we have to debunk those answers.
Status: wir lotsen zu 3. eine 4. Person via MS Teams durch vi (vim ist nicht installiert)
Status: Chef beantwortet alle Hinweise auf Todos nur noch mit "machen wir nächstes Jahr"
How do you deal with one of your stakeholders using chatGPT right in front of your eyes and then having to debunk the crap that it told him?
(FYI: ChatGPT does a terrible job at explaining the Android init system)
Who needs ghost stories, when your stakeholders come up with such creepy project ideas?
If you are working in an international environment and create appointments for people in multiple timezones: do not write times in the message body of your mail.
Especially not without a timezone specifier.
TIL: there is a bug in the MS web based Outlook, that causes chrome-based browsers to stop showing new mails/events without reload/switching folders.
This bug exists since multiple years, periodically resurfaces, and the best known fix is to use the domain office365.com instead of outlook.com/office.com
Listening to Windy Rose during work and even code review feels like an epic quest!
When reading code and doing code review, do you count (implicit) memory allocations in your head?
#workwork #codereview
What does the German word "Lenkigkeit" mean and is it accurately a proper German word?
If you say "coast" instead of "cost" and your not even Australian, you might want to work on your pronunciation.
Now we have a "zero coast issue" and I really feel this project is getting lost at sea.
16°C und Dauerregen, ich wette heute wird die Klimaanlage im Büro repariert.
Morning, almost afternoon #Fediverse.
It’s been a wild day so far! Let’s chat about what our plan is and how the day has been.
I had PT this morning which went well. Got to work and had to head to a clients out in the middle of nowhere to work on her computer. Currently there. After that I have to drop off a laptop to another client.
Seems I’m driving around today.
I only once want to be as optimistic, as the person warning about an overflow in Android timekeeping that happens after 292 years.
Stop calling everything a use case.
You know what's the best thing about a centralized version control software?
When the server is down and nobody can do any meaningful work.