Challenges in Real-Time Physical Modelling for Sound Synthesis – Silvin Willemsen – ADC 2024
#coding #modelling #programming #soundsynthesis
Challenges in Real-Time Physical Modelling for Sound Synthesis – Silvin Willemsen – ADC 2024
#coding #modelling #programming #soundsynthesis
Challenges in Real-Time Physical Modelling for Sound Synthesis – Silvin Willemsen – ADC 2024
#coding #modelling #programming #soundsynthesis
Documenting is crucial for so many reasons… Working on some #Knurl @rafaele.m.andrade graphics with good ol' #FreeCAD. The model is so complex that it takes a while to generate the axonometrics #3DModeling #OpenSourceDesign #DigitalFabrication #CADDesign #Engineering #MakerCommunity #ProductDesign #TechArt #3DPrinting #DesignProcess #vectorgraphics #documentation #vectorgraphics #ExperimentalMusic #ElectronicInstruments #floss #NewMusicTech #ElectroAcoustic #MusicInnovation #DigitalLutherie #InteractiveSound #ExperimentalSound #LiveElectronics #SonicExploration #SoundSynthesis #custominstruments #MusicTechnology #InstrumentDesign
Very happy to see our article on a System for #sonic Explorations with #EvolutionaryAlgorithms published in the #journal of the #audio #engineering #society which enables #SoundSynthesis with #QualityDiversity #algorithms and is among other things based on #NodeJS and #DNN
MIT License text becomes viral “sad girl” piano ballad generated by AI - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)
We've come a long way since pri... - #ai-generatedmusic #machinelearning #musicsynthesis #soundsynthesis #rileygoodside #barbarians #moonshark #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #openai #suno #ai
I don't know if his device is so revolutionary, but Ethan is quite talented (he learned cello by himself ) and is seldomly bulshitting...
The professional culture of mid-twentieth century communications engineering. According to John Pierce, Richard Hamming (of Hamming window fame) used to have a "great collection of dirty limericks," which he eventually destroyed. Pierce himself made a collage with images of breasts from Playboy taking the place of teeth in a smiling mouth (from Wood's 1991 CMJ interview w Pierce) #BellLabs #SoundSynthesis #DSP
Were polyphonic filters common in the 1960s? I've discussed this with @ezra and we think the answer is no, but I wanted to ask around here too. I am aware of only one example of a customized band pass filter from c. 1966, which could be played with a keyboard, allowing for polyphony, i.e., (I think) playing the input through several separate passbands simultaneously, where the width of each passband would be (up to?) a terce or octave. #SoundSynthesis #SignalProcessing #ExperimentalMusic
I experience music in ways that I used to perceive as #spiritual
It's not easy to put deeply spiritual or personal experiences into words.
Whilst some music includes language ( #singing #rap, etc), music is not the written word (music contains more elements). Virtually all the music I listen to has been produced by using #mathematics #ElectronicMusic #SoundSynthesis #computers
#sustainable #music #dance #civilisation #ecology #nature #wildlife
On the SC forum, "dietcv" linked to Peter Worth's PhD thesis, Technology and ontology in electronic music: Mego 1994-present. Worth offers some fascinating "archaeological" details in the parts I skimmed. E.g., Pita's album <i>Seven Tons for Free<i/> was not made with a computer, but with a hardware sampler and sine waves from a test tone CD. Worth also discusses apPatch, a SuperCollider patch which Pita and others used, in some detail #ComputerMusic #SoundSynthesis
Paul Ceruzzi about the printer that came with the IBM 1401 computer: “It was a utilitarian device but one that users had an irrational affection for. At nearly every university computer center, someone figured out how to program the printer to play the school’s fight song by sending appropriate commands to the printer.” (@ezra, this made me think of you) #SoundSynthesis (?)
Taking a break today by learning to simulate spiking neurons with #Brian2. Thinking it would be cool to write the spiketrain outputs to bytes in a .wav file
In case you missed it - I've made a 28-minute tutorial introducing basic concepts of sound synthesis using 100% libre software. Someone even called it a masterclass :D
#unfa #FOSS #Vital #Vitalium #SoundDesign #SoundSynthesis #Audio #AudioProduction #OpenSource
My new video is out!
This is a basic tutorial about sound synthesis. For absolute beginners!
#unfa #FOSS #audio #AudioProduction #Vitalium #Vital #SoundSynthesis
Vital's release date announced!
#Vital #MusicProduction #SoundSynthesis
My TAL NoiseMaker video is public now!
#unfa #TALNoiseMaker
#SoundDesign #SoundSynthesis #MusicProduction #FOSS
Geonkick goes MULTITIMBRAL! Version 2.0 has just been released!
Now you can have 16 drum pieces in a single plugin, each with individual audio output for flexible mixing and processing!
FOSS synth drums are having a party! Grab it and make some phat beats!
In case you support me, but you don't read my Patreon posts - here's early access to my next video - introduction and overview of TAL NoiseMaker:
#unfa #TalNoiseMaker #FOSSaudio #MusicProduction #SoundSynthesis #SoundDesign #unfa
I've just streamed another Geonkick tutorial:
#unfa #Geonkick #SoundDesign #SoundSynthesis #MusicProduction
If you ever wanted to synthesize an awesome hihat - now you can learn how:
#ZynFusion #Ardour #SoundSynthesis #SoundDesign #MusicProduction #unfa