Silver-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Silver-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Composite image from #AutomatedMothTrap operated in #Aranda, #ACT, #Australia over night of 12 to 13 Mar 2025.
High-resolution (7740 × 4760) copy at: #Lepidoptera #entomology
Euplagia quadripunctaria (Poda, 1761)
Snapped last August, Loire Atlantique, France
Published under #CC0 here
#Lepidoptera #Macro #Pentax #nature
#photography #insect #wildlife #mywork #Moth
Giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
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Great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Great spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
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Polyommauts icarus. Ejemplar hembra de esta especie conocida en Europa, Norte de África y Asia templada. Resulta bastante común y como plantas nutricias de las orugas, se citan, entre otras, Lotus, Medicago, Astragalus, Ononis, Trifolium y otras especies pratenses y leguminosas.
#insects #insectos #mariposas #butterfly #macro #lepidoptera #photography #nature #naturaleza #fotografia
Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Snapped back in Sept. 2023, Bois de Vincennes, Paris, France
Published under #CC0 here
#Lepidoptera #Macro #Pentax #nature
#photography #insect #wildlife #mywork #Butterfly
A Common Bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon) spotted at Ulu Sembawang Park Connector, Singapore on 24 Nov 2024. A fast flyer, it is usually on the move, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get close shots of this resting individual.
On iNaturalist [ ].
Eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Baraboo, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
For #MothMonday I give you the leaf mine of the Poison Ivy Leaf-miner Moth. As its name suggests, the larvae live in and mine the insides of Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron) leaves, clearly unaffected by the oil that so irritates human skin. The mines are relatively common around here (southern Manitoba). The adults are small but rather elegant.
#insect #lepidoptera #leafminer #moth
Gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
Gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
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Gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus)
Driftless Area, Dane County, WI, USA
#butterfly #insects #lepidoptera #nature #naturephotography
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First #moth box of 2025. Wasn't expecting anything, to be honest, so surprised to get three. Of course, I could have bet my mortgage on them being these three given how early it is in the season. Hardy souls from last night:
1) Hebrew Character (left)
2) Early Grey (top right)
3) Common Quaker (bottom right)