My oldest memory of gender euphoria is from when I was 6 or 7 yo. I had been invited at the birthday party of a schoolmate, a girl. We had played all afternoon in the garden, where the herb was wet and probably a bit muddy. Clothes were dirty.
As often in my childhood I was waiting on my father to come collect me. I was the last kid at the party. Fortunately my friend’s mother was nice. She bathed us, my friend and me, and gave us a change of clothes. I didn’t bring any, so the mother lend me some from … her daughter.
I ended up wearing a soft woollen light blue trousers and felt very, very, very comfy in it. That’s probably the only day in my childhood where I wished my father arrived even later.
I bought the one in the picture a year ago and every time I’m wearing it, I remember this soft and delightful moment of gender euphoria.