@actuallyautistic $1.43 remaining. I've paid off my internet bill and now have no money left. #aspie #aspielife #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #mutualaidneeded #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap #emergencyaidneededrightnow
@actuallyautistic $1.43 remaining. I've paid off my internet bill and now have no money left. #aspie #aspielife #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #mutualaidneeded #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap #emergencyaidneededrightnow
@actuallyautistic ICYMI, I still need $100 to pay for purchasing glass food containers, and to counteract neglect at the house where the period between meals being cooked is getting longer and longer, so I need money to eat out just so I don't starve.
@actuallyautistic Meals have just run out and all the glass containers have been used and require washing to be reused. My landlords have let the sink pile up and have decided "their time" makes sense to clean the dishes and make new meals.
It is so important that I get money to eat out to counteract this stupidity and neglect. Please donate now so I don't starve.
@actuallyautistic as a reminder of how your donations have helped:
You've helped me avoid clashes over food not being cooked because I have the option to eat out.
You've prevented meltdowns over phone malfunctions.
With eating out, you've helped me gain exercise so I'm not stuck with cabin fever at home.
I've been able to be social with my last remaining local friend because of your donations by eating out together.
I've been able to pay off debt while at the same time paying my rent for my storage locker and internet bill.
Please don't let this momentum die. The most I ask for immediate donation is $100 for the glass food containers.
@actuallyautistic ICYMI, I have spent all my money for the month to prevent myself starving at home, and it's still not enough. I only was able to purchase half the required glass containers using my remaining money, but there's another half to go and buffer money to cheer up my friend who missed going to a Toronto con, and to face my landlords who WILL have a lapse in making food again. I need $100 ASAP to survive till the 5th. This is first. The screen if you feel charitable just needs $300 (on top of $100) to arrive by the 5th, but that isn't urgent. There's the risk one app for a Lightning flash drive I own might stop working due to the phone wipe and it being pulled from the app store, but that's not going to change that the phone would be physically complete.
@actuallyautistic on current track to have $0 again on March 27th once my internet bill is paid. Please donate so I don't starve due to the stupidity of my landlords. #aspie #aspielife #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap #emergencyaidneededrightnow #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #mutualaidneeded
@actuallyautistic The good news: The shop said everything works except the screen
The bad news: everything works except the screen
Compound that with the fact I need money for 8 glass containers ASAP or I will not be served food and things are still not looking good.
Please donate so I don't starve. Even if you're resistant to paying for the screen repair I needed the money for the glass food containers yesterday.
@actuallyautistic this has increased to $400 because my landlords will not cook food for me until new containers are purchased USING MY OWN MONEY. See this thread: https://furry.engineer/@JackRacc/114198617032363196 #aspie #aspielife #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap #emergencyaidneededrightnow
@actuallyautistic with indications my friend has decided to pay off his debts instead of make progress, I am committing to this genuine screen repair. I need $300 ASAP as I have missed far too many calls and messages due to not having a functional phone. #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap #emergencyaidneededrightnow #mutualaid #mutualaidneeded #mutualaidrequest #aspie #aspielife
@actuallyautistic #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded
So here's the situation, there will be another tax refund payment on April 5th to cover $230 of the next repair, but I need at least $300 more to finally settle everything once and for all, because we don't have the original Touch IC for this phone and motherboard. This does mean my friend who's got a SSD as collateral will have to wait but at least if I get the combined payments on April 5th, the phone will finally be able to be fixed and there will be no more issues.
If you feel charitable, $500 will cover the repair and my friend who's withholding a SSD for my PC that's required for me to do a clean OS upgrade. It's not urgent though as my PC currently works. It would be nice to be able to pay my friend but my phone actually being able to work is the important part.
@actuallyautistic #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded
Update on the lemon iPhone: I STILL DON'T HAVE POSSESSION OF IT
All replaced HW has been checked out and working on iOS 18.3.1 and all genuine parts are verified genuine, but needs the repair assistant run.
Repair Assistant refused to run unless the phone was updated to iOS 18.3.2. That's where things started to go wrong.
On iOS 18.3.2, the GENUINE screen "ungenuined" itself leading to the inability to complete the repair assistant.
We tried ALL DAY to get the genuine parts to recognize as genuine, and when we reinstalled iOS using iTunes on a PC, the phone soft bricked itself.
The phone is still with the technician of the shop because my data was wiped in troubleshooting everything, but it is now soft bricked and needs to be recovered from that state.
Worst case scenario, we're looking at a motherboard replacement.
This phone isn't only a lemon, it's jinxed.
@actuallyautistic Update: Confirmed that PayPal allows email 2FA codes. It's only GoFundMe restricted to phone 2FA, so please donate to my Kofi during the time GoFundMe seems to not be processing my donations and I can't get into my account:
PayPal also allows (with a fee) instant transfers from my balance.
@actuallyautistic Update: not only did iOS 15 on my older phone without a SIM finally break for logging into GoFundMe, there are ZERO 2FA options that don't rely on phone service, so they don't send 2FA codes over email at all. #aspie #aspielife #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap
@actuallyautistic forgot it's St. Patrick's day. If this means a delay to me getting my money, I will not have a means of coping with this. #aspie #aspielife #mutualaid #emergencyaid
@actuallyautistic ICYMI, my phone is currently being held at a repair shop pending a repair unless I get $400 asap. I have to respond to my family doctor and my mental health team who are trying to reach me and they cannot reach me. They will not give back the SIM card unless the repair is paid for. I also do not have money for food and it looks like I will not be able to heat any food at home all day today (landlord me time) so I will need money for eating out. All my balances are at $0. #aspie #aspielife #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap #emergencyaidneededrightnow #mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #mutualaidneeded
@actuallyautistic also a heads up, I do not have access to my GoFundMe as my 2FA is tied to the cell service that is in the broken phone. Only way I will know about donations is via Email. #aspie #aspielife #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap
BOOST THIS POST TOO: https://furry.engineer/@JackRacc/114217120438521773
#EmergencyAid #emergencyaidneeded
I am at $0 again because the screen broke during my latest repair.
There's a "for parts" phone with genuine parts ready for me, but they need $360 so I can have my phone back. (My phone and SIM card are being withheld at the repair shop) Check day can only cover $290 of that because of my internet and storage locker costs. Plus I do not have money for food to survive to Wednesday... AND a different repair shop wants $130 to finish a repair, and my friend is keeping a SSD I bought as collateral until I pay him.
This means I need $400 now to make do with what's just happened. Anything extra will go towards food, the other repair shop, and my friend withholding the SSD. I'm the most insecure and vulnerable I've ever been this year and I need that last little bit to get to the finish line of a working phone.
@actuallyautistic #aspie #aspielife #MutualAidRequest #mutualaidneeded
@actuallyautistic also a heads up, I do not have access to my GoFundMe as my 2FA is tied to the cell service that is in the broken phone. Only way I will know about donations is via Email. #aspie #aspielife #emergencyaid #emergencyaidneeded #emergencyaidneededasap
#EmergencyAid #emergencyaidneededasap #emergencyaidneeded
I am at $0 again because the screen broke during my latest repair.
There's a "for parts" phone with genuine parts ready for me, but they need $360 so I can have my phone back. (My phone and SIM card are being withheld at the repair shop) Check day can only cover $290 of that because of my internet and storage locker costs. Plus I do not have money for food to survive to Wednesday... AND a different repair shop wants $130 to finish a repair, and my friend is keeping a SSD I bought as collateral until I pay him.
This means I need $400 now to make do with what's just happened. Anything extra will go towards food, the other repair shop, and my friend withholding the SSD. I'm the most insecure and vulnerable I've ever been this year and I need that last little bit to get to the finish line of a working phone.
@actuallyautistic #aspie #aspielife #MutualAidRequest #mutualaidneeded
@actuallyautistic the cost of a genuine rear camera module is $300 including labor and tax. #EmergencyAid #emergencyaidneeded #MutualAidRequest #mutualaidneeded #aspie #aspielife