Nos da Fediversistas! Enjoyed #CocaineBear immensely, but need to be up early to Dadtaxi YD to work. Not as weekendy as we would like, but we play the hand we have been dealt
Nos da Fediversistas! Enjoyed #CocaineBear immensely, but need to be up early to Dadtaxi YD to work. Not as weekendy as we would like, but we play the hand we have been dealt
Good evening Fediversistas! Busy week, and this is an end to it. Movie night with YD tonight, we are watching #CocaineBear. Earlier, we (but not YD) did an urban amble and caught some outdoor museum action, which was fun
"It's like cocaine christmas"
This movie is so much FUN!!!
#CocaineBear #Horror #Movies
Auf Prime Video zieht ein Braunbär ’ne Line und ist total high, auf joyn bekommt ihr Einblicke in die Beauty-Industrie und auf WOW läuft True Crime.
#CocaineBear #DrRickUndDrNick #ElizabethBanks #Streamingtipps #TrueCrime #WasNachDemMordGeschah #WasLäuftHeute
Is Bear Spray Better than a Gun? Here's What 352 Aggressive Bear Encounters Taught Us... #CocaineBear
Alien v Predator
#Kong v Godzilla
Now, the #film franchise #Scorsese should've been worried about all along:
#CocaineBear, #CocaineHippo, #CocaineShark
#Cocaine Animals: #Bear v #Hippo v #Shark
The next #Sharknado is gonna be wild!
Sharks off Brazil coast test positive for cocaine! Move over #CocaineBear there's a #ScarfaceShark movie if ever we are about to see.
Move over, #CocaineBear
Brazilian Sharks Test Positive for Cocaine
So, #CocaineBear was more gore stoked comedy. I liked it! #SayNoToDrugs
Renfield was great! Crazy funny, hyper violent bloodbath. Cage "chews" up the scenery in a very Cagey way!
The next recommended show was #CocaineBear. Here we go...!
@GottaLaff Could this be the same Judge Juan Merchan that Trump was bad-mouthing just a couple of short years ago?
Jeez, Karma really is a Cocaine Bear.
#TrumpTrial, #Karma, #CocaineBear, #JudgeMerchan
Today's #FloridaMan story. Apparently the honorable legislator saw "Cocaine Bear." Sir, it is a movie, not a documentary.
>Florida state congressman wants looser hunting laws to shoot dangerous bears "that are on crack"
@KlimaWandeln Das wäre doch eine riesen Idee für eine Fortsetzung von #CocaineBear : -=<[ Cocaine Hippo ]>=- Escobars Revenge. Eine Herde Koks süchtiger Hippos randaliert sich entlang der Schmuggelrouten von Kolumbien bis Mar-a-Lago und hinterlässt eine Schneise der Verwüstung.
Mit dem Essen zu spielen, kann dir als Erwachsener keiner mehr verbieten! Das Kroko ist sogar ganz putzig geworden.
Der richtige Film zum #Gurkenkrokodil wäre natürlich #LakePlacid gewesen, aber #CocaineBear beschert in guter Gesellschaft auch einen lustigen Abend.
My daughter has chosen #CocaineBear for our movie night.
You’ve heard of #CocaineBear (maybe), but tonight, #SharkWeek introduces us to #CocaineSharks.
SoCalStudios share their poster for #CocaineCougar
Hot on the heals of #CocaineBear #CocaineShark #Crackcoon, a black cougar takes a fancy to the white powder.
On Amazon Prime now and TUBI next week.