Heard something fall behind me. This is what I found. His name is Bernard, my Bernie-Beau, and I've had him and his sister for four months. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday #WhiteCat #ExoticShorthairMix
You've met Bernard. This is his sister Blanca, my Blanca-Belle. They came to me on the day I had to send my previous cat over the rainbow bridge. No one will ever convince me that the three of them did not arrange that. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday #WhiteCat #ExoticShorthairMix
And this is the sweater she was so comfy on. The pattern is Kristen Ten Dyke's Blackberry Pie Sweater. The yarn is Yarn Citizen Harmony Worsted in Clover from Jimmy Beans Wool. #HandKnit #HandKnitting #Sweater
@lizthelucky why do you keep all those things in his napping cupboard?