For the past few months, I've been working on the Blackberry Sweater pattern from Kristen TenDyke. This was my first time doing a tubular bind-off and I might have over estimated the amount of yarn I'd need to finish off the body. But finish it I did and I decided to take a pic. The good news is that I have feline approval. The bad news is that I may never get the second sleeve done. #CatsOfMastodon #cat #knitting #sweater
Bernard has also given his approval to my sweater. ##CatsOfMastodon #HandKnitting #Sweater
@lizthelucky I think it would be a good colour on him. Evidently he agrees. Good choice human.
@lizthelucky beautiful Bernard and gorgeous green. pattern?
@ericatty Kristen TenDyke's Blackberry Pie sweater. Yarn is Jimmy Beans Wool's Harmony Worsted in Clover
@ericatty And thank you.