Looking for recommendations for YouTubers to follow. Something fun. Could be fictional, non fictional, nerd culture, reading, video games, tech, coding, random documentaries, whatever. Just not politics. My dance card is full on that front. Also, they don't need to be on YouTube. Could be Twitch, PeerTube or wherever. I'm just looking for interesting things to watch/listen to that are not politics for when I need a doom break
#recommendations #youtube #peertube #twitch #video #podcasts #videos
@donthatedontkill @jake4480 If you like movies, recommend Every Frame a Painting, a series of video essays about the art of filmmaking. https://www.youtube.com/@everyframeapainting
@soundclamp @jake4480 The name of this channel sounds familiar. Either of seen one of their videos or back when I used YouTube's frontend, it came up in the algorithm. I really like film analysis