If you watch Casablanca (1942), the last ~1/4 or so will be spent saying "Oh that's where that line is from"
@researchfairy If you read Martin Luther‘s translation of the Bible into German and Goethe‘s Faust, your entire time will be spent on saying “Oh, that’s where the German language comes from!”
I've heard a similar joke
"I don't see what's so special about this Shakespeare fellow; he's simply taken a bunch of well known cliches and strung them together into plays"
Umberto Eco's review of Casablanca famously said that one cliche is trite, and two cliches is boring, but a hundred cliches is a party.
@mhoye @trochee @johl @researchfairy (God damn, that essay, the clichés are having a ball, weeping at the Marseillaise, God damn.)