There’s a #wankpanzer parked outside the credit union
“'The operator indicated he thought he was in forward, and he was actually in reverse.'”
"'Lithium-ion batteries do not do well going underwater,' Shevitz said."
"Shevitz told the Ventura County Star that three similar instances have happened within the last year."
I wish I could say "what shame," but...nah.
#Tesla #Cybertruck #Swasticar #WankPanzer via @sfgate
Das WankSchutzstaffel Korps.
Tesla owners pretending to not be nazis are my current favorite car photos.
Especially the Mazda.
Most of Elon's fans drive F150s or similar gas guzzlers, not Teslas. Maybe a few bought cybertrucks. But other than some rich assholes, I can't imagine there's a big Tesla presence there.
But if you're buying a new vehicle, there are lots of great EV alternatives now, that are better made, better for climate change, and MIGHT help ween other car companies off making gas guzzlers.
I'm as amused as anyone by the stories of Tesla (especially Cybertruck) harassment and vandalism. But I think it's important to remember that a lot of people bought them for environmental reasons, and just destroying these cars would be an environmental mistake. The enemy here isn't EVs, it's the man Elon, his friends, and what he stands for. Go after NEW sales to hurt his income. Give current drivers SOME benefit of the doubt.
#tesla #elonmusk #cybertruck #wankpanzer
#Tesla #Cybertruck sank when launching a jetski after #Musk said you could use the truck as a boat
Buy a Tesla and you will be left with a piece of scrap metal you cannot get rid of.
If you gave me Tesla, I'd sell tickets to observe its destruction and give the proceeds to the poor.
JUST KIDDING! You could not give me a Tesla. I would refuse it. They are a hot potato.
Trump never pays for anything. Musk will either give him a #WankPanzer as a show of loyalty, or some slush fund will pick up the tab.
Or it could be just another one of those things Trump says that never happens.
Better sell quick while you can still get ten cents on the dollar.
Seemingly oblivious to Tesla's worldwide meltdown, Stuff is running a piece with the headline, "Tesla ‘working pretty hard’ to sell Cybertruck Down Under".
Yeah, right. In Australia, Tesla sales for January are down 72%. By comparison, BYD sales have doubled in 12 months.
Besides, the Cybertruck is unlikely to conform to regulations in either Australia or New Zealand, same as the UK.
It's too big, it's ugly and it smells of Musk.