That's horrifying. #DeSantistan
That's horrifying. #DeSantistan
Oh no! The #collegeboard haz a *sad* :(
Florida's fascist government is deliberately setting out to keep their children poor and stupid and turn their state back into a life-sucking swamp unfit for humans, and the people who create and are supposed to uphold modern educational standards are... SAD. FFS.
"The shows must go on": Florida drag artists protest in Tallahassee https://flip.it/RZF1XH #DesantisDestroysFlorida #DeSantistan
New laws requiring gvmnt activities be conducted in full public view made #GovernmentInTheSunshine a big, Big, BIG deal in my childhood Florida.
Of all the democratic backsliding under DeSantis, his demand for "Executive Privilege" shields is honestly the most shocking. The rest is standard dishonest Christofascist bs.
In Florida, teachers will LITERALLY be charged with 3rd degree felonies for daring to use books in class not approved by Ron DeSantis' anti-woke law. DeSantis will now imprison teachers for daring to defy him! #RonDeStalin #DeSantistan https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/education/2023/01/23/fearing-prosecution-manatee-county-teachers-cover-up-classroom-books/69832276007/