#CarolinaHurricanes Lack of #Acknowledgement of #PrideMonth.
Over the month of June they covered a lot of topics, just not #recognizing the #LGBTQ #community. The Hurricanes have a shoddy record with #PrideNights and #engaging the local #LGBTQ+ #community in general
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Entertainment #Sports #Hockey #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #Pride #PrideMonth #Representation #Culture
#Acknowledgement is so import. I ignored the diagnosis I got 12 years ago at first. And that cost me (and mine) dearly these last two years: during that time I've had two severe depression periods from autistic burnout. Now I am being treated regularly at the hospital, having coaching sessions on a weekly basis and am slowly getting back into work. And you know what I've realized ? At 54, I still have a long way to go...
#Consideration of #AntiLGBTQ #bill in #Ghana continues today.
The Bill which has generated a lot of attention #locally and #internationally, seeks to #curb the #acknowledgement and #promotion of any #rights of #LGBTQI+ #individuals or #groups.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Africa #Ghana #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia
Book acknowledgements!
#qotd Who did/would you acknowledge in your book?
"VC qanon" and the radicalization of the tech tycoons - Anil Dash
It's important to remember, nobody becomes a billionaire by accident. You have to have wanted that level of power, control and wealth more than you wanted anything else in your life.
They all sacrifice family, relationships, stability, community, connection, and belonging in service of keeping score on a scale that actually
yields #no #additional real-world #benefits on the path from that first $100 million to the tens of billions.
So you have a cohort that is, counterintutively, #very #easily #manipulated.
If you have access to a billionaire (and billionaires all have access to each other, because it suits their ego to think of each other as peers), most are very easy to program by simply playing to their #insecurity and desire for #acknowledgement of #exceptionalism,
and so they push each other further and further into #extreme #ideas because their entire careers have been predicated on the idea that they're genius outliers who can see things others can't, and that their wealth is a reward for that imagined merit.
In some #states, #genderdysphoria is a #protected #disability — and #momentum could be growing
#Lawyers and #advocates have worked to secure #legal #acknowledgement of #transgender #people within the #AmericanswithDisabilitiesAct for decades.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Health #Healthcare #Incarceration #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate
Dozens of #bison from a mountain park outside #Denver were transferred Wednesday to several #tribes from across the #GreatPlains , in the latest example of #NativeAmericans #reclaiming #stewardship over #animals their #ancestors lived alongside for millennia.
Following #ceremonial drumming and singing and an #acknowledgement of the tribes that once occupied the surrounding landscape, the bison were loaded onto trucks for #relocation to #TribalLands .
Surely the most remarkable #acknowledgement in an #astrophysics paper ("On #Cosmological Low Entropy After the Big Bang: Universal Expansion and Nucleosynthesis") accepted by a journal (General Relativity and Gravitation): https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.03988 (p. 11). h/t @vicgrinberg
The act of acknowledging - how to begin to live in a different way with the land. I'm going to be writing more in this way. A journey of reconnection is possible and can be done in a way that honors a truth about colonialism, and histories. And reconnecting is a must in a rapidly changing world
#indigenous #acknowledgement #connection #reconnecting
Tangent2 (incl. note to myself):
I've been thinking/writing/advocating of #PingCoincidence #PingCoincidenceLattice #PingDuration (cmp. in German "Ping-Koinzidenz" "Ping-Koinzidenz-Gitter" "Pingdauer") as basic construction or method of measurement in #Relativity implementing [Einstein's maxime]((http://einsteinpapers.press.princeton.edu/vol6-trans/165?highlightText=coincidences)
[Your article](https://decomposition.al/blog/2023/01/18/enforcing-causally-ordered-message-delivery-on-the-senders-side/) uses the term "ack" ("#acknowledgement"); correspondingly #AckDuration #AckCoincidence #AckCoincidenceLattice
Also: (1/2)
New #publication: Smirnova & @Philipp_Mayr@twitter.com: A comprehensive analysis of #acknowledgement texts in #WebOfScience: a case study on four scientific domains - Acknowledgments may give information about funding, the researcher’s collaboration patterns, & more: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-022-04554-9
When you are working with a #depressed person, especially in the topics of #grief and #loss, then #acknowledgement is one of the most important tools you got to connect with them.
Acknowledgement is an amazing multitool. It makes things better, even when they can't be made right.