On vient de se rendre compte en préparant notre intro (oui oui, elle arrive) que sur Piaille, on est limité à 666 caractères par toot...
@admin Vous êtes plutôt #SympathyForTheDevil ou #ThankYouSatan ?
On vient de se rendre compte en préparant notre intro (oui oui, elle arrive) que sur Piaille, on est limité à 666 caractères par toot...
@admin Vous êtes plutôt #SympathyForTheDevil ou #ThankYouSatan ?
Found this great lyrics video for #SympathyForTheDevil. One of the best songs ever written imo. Great art recognizes that evil has a reason for what it did, if only because of the treatment they themselves first received. We are the monsters let upon the earth. We are all responsible for stopping it, but we cannot be simplistic about it lest we make it worse. #RollingStones #500songs
Amazing that the #RollingStones are still touring *and* they still sound great!
Mick's 81. Keef's 80. Ronnie's 77. And these geezers did a 20-show tour this year (literally sponsored by #AARP, kinda funny).
Saw them here in #Memphis in 1994, wish I could have caught 'em again.
TOYAH Serves Up ROLLING STONES Classic "Sympathy For The Devil" To ROBERT FRIPP In New Sunday Lunch Video
Pleased to meet you, won’t you guess my review for today.
#SympathyForTheDevil is new on premium #VOD in the UK. (Also on VOD in the US.) It's pretty strictly for Cage Rage fans. My review: https://www.flickfilosopher.com/2023/07/sympathy-for-the-devil-movie-review-schtick-the-landing.html
Rote cat-and-mouse thriller #SympathyForTheDevil spins its wheels getting somewhere obvious, just so wild-eyed Nic Cage can cartoonishly Rage again. Look, the actor has found his schtick, and he’s sticking with it, okay? My review: https://www.flickfilosopher.com/2023/07/sympathy-for-the-devil-movie-review-schtick-the-landing.html [cinemas/VOD US]
"Sympathy for the Devil" (2023) Review: A Performance Over Story Action Thriller http://hub.me/aq8ah Sympathy for the Devil starring Nicolas Cage and Joel Kinnaman is in theaters Friday. #SympathyfortheDevil #moviereviews #NicolasCage #JoelKinnaman #action #thriller #movies #RLJEFilms #movies #newrelease
Sympathy For The Devil: Trailer zum Thriller mit Nicolas Cage & Joel Kinnaman #SympathyForTheDevil
1968 Footage of the Rolling Stones Recording 'Sympathy for the Devil'
Footage from the 1968 Jean Luc Godard film "Sympathy for the Devil" shows The Rolling Stones recording the iconic song behind the title.