Oh my goodness, #Spiritfarer is charming as hell.
Oh my goodness, #Spiritfarer is charming as hell.
Je me laisse emporter de nouveau par Spiritfarer.
Gwen ♡
Stella ♡
Vous le conseilleriez à partir de quel âge ?
Je vois pas de soucis pour des collegien-nes moi.
Mais pas moins.
Jos pitää tietokonepeleistä, ei kavahda tasohyppelyä ja arvostaa hyvää tarinaa, kaunista ulkoasua ja musiikkia, saanen suositella Spiritfarer peliä!
Olen itkenyt vähintään kerran jokaisella peli-istunnolla ja pelitunteja on kertynyt sellaiset mukavat 36 vajaassa kuukaudessa.
I started playing Spiritfarer! I'm so impressed with the smoothness of the integration of handdrawn animations, it's lovely.
I've been doing a lot of falling into the water and hugging people
Check out _240_ new AAA and #IndieGames on sale today for #NintendoSwitch: #StreetsofRage4, #SeaofStars, #Wreckfest, #MONSTERHUNTERRISE, #Spiritfarer, #TheMessenger, #DiabloIIIEternalCollection, #SlaytheSpire, #DodgeballAcademia, and MANY MORE!
Very excited to hop back into #spiritfarer on stream for the first time in 2025, where we'll be continuing a long standing playthrough!
Check out my stream today at noon EST at https://twitch.tv/cottoncandieboop, or check out the past streams over at https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL83mfH27hjeXrBODQrQAlCAS3JIv6K59-&si=BtsCKk_7CydDDBmy
Après deux ? trois ans ? je viens de finir Spiritfarer, un jeu dans lequel on incarne Stella, désignée pour remplacer Charon, qui accompagne des esprits, représentés par des animaux, vers le Seuil Éternel.
Le jeu est superbe, mais son sujet, l'acceptation de la mort, le rend particulièrement chargé émotionnellement. J'ai pris mon temps pour le finir, mais je ne regrette rien.
Also amazing:
#UncleChopsRocketShop even better puzzles and mysteries, but too many bugs and poor controller UI so 2nd place
#DuckDetective and #RiseOfTheGoldenIdol for when you wanna do Obra Dinn deductions (it’s really becoming a genre I’m so excited)
#StellarBlade fantastic soulslike if you can get past the fanservice
#ElPasoElsewhere cool indie action and best voice acting ever
#AstroBot I would die for him, S tier 3d platformer, pure fun
#Spiritfarer T_T
The latest hot sales on #IndieGames for #NintendoSwitch: #TheElderScrollsVSkyrim, #TonyHawksProSkater12, #NobodySavestheWorld, #TheMessenger, #Spiritfarer, #DiabloIIIEternalCollection, #SlaytheSpire, #ItTakesTwo, #DodgeballAcademy, and HUNDREDS MORE!