In a capitalist patriarchy, when sex is a product then women (in general) are for sale. But its a game they can't win, so at least part of society imagines, because then, so at least part of society says, they have become whores, sluts, slags, bikes, holes, meat to fuck, dirty, tramps and cumrags. There are an amazing amount of women on Only Fans and similar sites who HIDE THEIR FACES. Why? You know why. The morality of our civilisation forces women (and others) to become sex objects AND THEN IT CONDEMNS AND JUDGES THEM FOR IT. They are made into good capitalists but also into dirty, unspeakable capitalists. They are fucked both ways. This particularly affects women who are, for entirely dubious patriarchal reasons only, supposed to be more chaste than men. This boils down to simple misogyny when a man might imagine forcing a woman to her knees for his pleasure but gets to call her a cockslut, and value her accordingly, when she is done. Men always win, women can only lose. Such is the morality of standard patriarchal heterosexuality under capitalism. The man is dominant, the woman inferior. Know your place.