Can't argue with a warning like that. Had to stop for a couple.
Can't argue with a warning like that. Had to stop for a couple.
"Despite higher employment rates, higher educational attainment and better health, immigrants overall have lower incomes, are more likely to be at risk of poverty, are particularly exposed to costly private rental accommodation and are underrepresented politically, according to the report."
Green Ribbon Abstract.
A green ribbonlike form curves and winds its way through red, yellow, orange.
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#greenribbon #green #ribbon #abstract #red #yellow #orange #buyintoart #FediGiftShop #MastoArt #MastoDaoine
Tha i a seinn sa ghàidhlig agus a' bruidhinn anns British Sign Language.
Agus! Tha na subs anns a ghàidhlig cuideachd!
Evie Waddell - Fios No Fois (OFFICIAL)(with Gaelic subtitles)
No European city would tolerate the decay and dereliction visible in Dublin.
All of Ireland’s cities and larger towns need positive urban planning. That needs a revolution in government thinking. #DerelictIreland #VacantIreland #HousingCrisis #Ireland #mastodaoine #mastodonie
"Is Ireland facing democratic backsliding? The Dáil speaking rights row isn’t just political drama - it risks undermining opposition oversight. When democracy erodes, it starts small."
Latest article from TASC:
Our last go through the shopping centre we've done our weekly training in. And our last goodbyes at the other centre which helps people with intellectual disability.
Yohan has now completed his year long training with me as his puppy raiser. We have one more event which is a fundraiser. Then he'll head in to big (guide dog) school.
...and if you can't make either launch event, and/or haven't pre-ordered, you can buy the book from Dubray online and instore - please do so rather than ordering from Amazon, as it helps benefit Irish books in the face of monopoly.
@lyda It's by @dublininquirer, and a great initiative. They've written about it recently (ish), and it emerged from a body of their work over a number of years.
The book's Dublin launch is tonight at 6pm at Hodges Figgis, with Sam Blake and @niamhgarvey appearing; drinks at Neary's afterward.
Its Cork launch is on Thursday April 3rd at 6.30pm, at Dubray on Patrick Street, with Niamh and myself, drinks at the Woodford afterward.
For neurodivergent folk and their loved ones planning to attend the launch events, please find a handy 'what to expect' dossier at @niamhgarvey's website:
@dublininquirer My only question is whether the Embassy of Japan has lodged a formal protest, yet.
Reminder: this anthology of Irish non-fiction from autistic writers, Wired Our Own Way, hits shelves at Dubray Books and the postboxes of people who preordered tomorrow, Friday March 28th, via New Island Books. Audiobook via Audible, Tuesday April 1st.
It's been a long journey for editor @niamhgarvey, assembling work from a variety of scribes, from hacks like me to new voices entirely; it's a beautiful cross-section of the autistic experience of Ireland.
Hadn't heard of this. If you're in Ireland and you were in an accident - or nearly in one - report it on this website. #mastodaoine
Vague Vogue.
Mixed media.
A collage, drawing and painting, fashion and whimsy with a surreal juxtaposition of natural and urban motifs. This is a cover for Vague magazine, where all creativity is in vogue.
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Bord fáilteifcation is my new favourite word, Mastodaoine!
credit to @roothflud
Sperm Whale yesterday, #Waterford
Largest Toothed Predator, 18 meters long, <57 Tons
Deep Diver: I3,000 meters
Huge Head and Brain
Powerful echolocation clicks, loudest animal
#speirgorm #whale #spermWhale #ireland #irish #dolphin #mastodaoine
A question for #electronics #mastodaoine: is there anything equivalent to the long-departed #Maplin in #Dublin?
I'm looking for a bricks and mortar hobbyist electronic components shop that's staffed by helpful people, not arrogant gate-keepery assholes. (You know the latter type; commonly found in motor factor and hardware shops.)
5/ If Irish artists reflected more of what it means to live in Ireland in 2025 rather than don the ill-fitting suits of an Ireland of yesteryear, maybe the far-right slogans would be less successful in our communities. Despite speaking English, we'd have our own grammar of Irish life.