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#Maltraitance et #professionnels 🧶

Quels sont les outils à déployer pour améliorer la détection et la prise en charge des victimes dans les établissements ?

"En principe, les décisions rendues contre un mineur âgé de 13 à 18 ans ne sont pas inscrites au Fijais (fichier judiciaire automatisé des auteurs d'infractions sexuelles ou violentes), s'il a commis un délit (acte interdit par la loi et puni d'une amende et/ou d'une peine d'emprisonnement inférieure à 10 ans).
"Par exception, une inscription peut être ordonnée par la juridiction qui a prononcé la décision ou par le procureur de la République."

"La richesse des débats et la diversité des expériences des trois champs concernés par ces travaux (associations d’aide aux victimes, usagers, institutions centrales et territoriales, professionnels de terrain) ont permis de produire un vocabulaire unique et transversal."
"La démarche de consensus formalisé est une méthode rigoureuse" :

Violences sur les enfants : comment organiser le contrôle des établissements ?
France Culture · Violences sur les enfants : comment organiser le contrôle des établissements ?Alors que le collège-lycée de Notre-Dame Bétharram est au cœur d'une vaste enquête sur des violences, agressions sexuelles et viols dénoncés par plus d'une centaine de plaignants, comment pouvons-nous améliorer le contrôle des établissements recevant des enfants ?

New paper out.

What happens when you make a model that includes realistic details about how people discuss ideas and decide how to act upon them? The answer is that with just 3 such elements of realism, one can mathematically explain the emergence of commonly observed situations, such as reaching a consensus and exchanging opinions, but also the separation of ideologies and the appearance of stable polarization. Not only this, but one can also account for phenomena such as peer pressure, cognitive dissonance, tactical voting and toxic idealism ( @benroyce I told you I was going to do it 😀 ) and prove how they affect the final state of the system.

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Women's ability to move, as nomadic #huntergatherers, not be trapped by #settlement, able to choose where to live (Draper, Townsend, Dyble et al, demographic effects Page et al) plus women's decision-making on movement based on resources available, general #consensus decision-making (Venkataraman)

AeonWhat the Ju/’hoansi can tell us about group decision-making | Aeon EssaysHunter-gatherer societies are highly expert in group deliberation and decision-making which respects both difference and unity

Un des gros bugs des réponses de certain #MoralismeProgressiste (E. Deck Marsault)

... aux attitudes qui disconviennent - pas forcément d'un point de vue #PureteMilitante : le constat du problème peut faire relativement #consensus à l'échelle d'un #collectif

... c'est les réponses à durée indéterminée.

Exemple : l'exclusion sans possibilités (calendaires ou conditionnelles) de retour.

#Justice #JusticeTransformative #JusticeTransformatrice #CerclesRestauratifs #SystèmesRestauratifs ou encore #JusticeCoopérative

- it seems to me that some "authorities" (re-)define the term "consensus" or "consensual" as if it no longer describes "a state of general agreement among all parties involved".
- but then, using this logic of theirs, it would also be "consensual" if, in a mass sex between 100 people, 5 of them disagreed with that sex (and felt raped by the majority of those 95 people). After all: those 5 people out of 100 are an "insignificant minority" that won't make much difference to the consensus of the majority... :-D
- this new vague use of the term "consensus" therefore leads to a degradation of the term, and presumably its original meaning, from the general consent of all to a mere "majority democracy" where the majority simply outvotes the minority and enforces its will even in the case of the minority's dissent.
- in my opinion, the original meaning of consensus is well described here (etymology of "concensus") :
"A general accord or agreement of different parts in effecting a given purpose," originally a term in physiology; 1861, of persons "a general agreement in opinion;" from Latin consensus "agreement, accord," past participle of consentire "feel together," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + sentire "to feel" (see sense (n.)). There is an isolated instance of the word from 1633."
#consensus #consensual #sex #rape #democracy #votes #anarchism #anarchy #etymology #philosophy

www.etymonline.comconsensus | Etymology of consensus by etymonlinea general accord or agreement of different parts in effecting a given purpose,… See origin and meaning of consensus.
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@lindividue Merci beaucoup pour tous ces éléments !

J'utilise souvent et aussi le dico des synonymes

J'avais pourtant lu (et imprimé) l'article wikipedia, et j'avais oublié déjà la réf à GEN- (au moins aussi pertinente et sans doute plus sûre - même si de façon + GÉNérale, wikipedia n'est pas à 100% fiable, surtout sur des sujets délicats et antiques ^^)

Je mélange pas le grec et le latin : perso ne connais que peu l'un ni l'autre mais c'est Jacqueline Picoche (citée dans le premier post) qui remonte aux racines communes des deux. Une étymologiste reconnue (peut-être controversée mais qui ne l'est pas ? #consensus ) ... CRISCO - Dictionnaire des synonymes Liste de synonymes pour

I am sort of forcing myself on org to do a IT upgrade and overhaul plus training and enlightenment - they never really asked for it but in this day and age almost every smb/non profit/org needs to look at their business processes and take advantage since there is so much value there and room for improvements and upgrades - it is not show and dance and smoke and mirrors but real tangible and finally affordable so why not - it was worth proposing some changes to them and see if they will buy in at all and offer up some of their own ideas - maybe they can get fiber? that could be near top of the list - improved connectivity #consensus builder

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"In a #consensus decision-making process, the decision and the buy-in land at the same time. Rather than making a decision and then getting everyone on board, you get everyone on board, at which point the decision is clear."

by Mandy Brown:

everything changesConsenting to decisions | everything changesDon’t sleep on consensus decision-making processes.

Looking forward to #Datenspuren24 !

I'll be giving a talk about #names . One aspect I want to mention is #consensus in naming people. Is your name consensual?

Think of the name you use the most. Did you agree to have it or do you just kind of put up with it?

Radical Anthropology Seminars
start on 🌕Jan 14, 2025🌖
6:15 for 6:30pm,
LIVE @UCLanthropology
14 Taviton St, London WC1H 0BW
or on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak

Perspectives on human origins: language, body art, hunting, architecture

Jan 14 Chris Knight and Jerome Lewis 'When Eve Laughed'

Jan 21 Camilla Power 'Neanderthals, Homo sapiens and the ‘Human Revolution’'

Jan 28 Annemieke Milks
'Hunting lessons: how forager kids learn(ed) to hunt'

Feb 4 Paulina Michnowska 'Notes from the forest – storytelling with the Penan of Borneo'

Feb 11 Sasha Farnsworth 'Architecture meets anthropology: Womb temple – Lunar rebirth'

Feb 18 Chris Knight 'How we got stuck: the hunter Monmaneki and his wives teach Graeber and Wengrow a lesson'

Feb 25 Erica Lagalisse and Chris Knight in conversation 'On anarchist anthropology'
Mar 4 Christine Binnie
'Neonaturist body painting: a red RAG to patriarchy'
Mar 11 Chris Knight 'On Women and Jaguars: why perspectivism got it so wrong'
Mar 18 Kit Opie 'Primate mating systems and the evolution of language'
Mar 25 Ivan Tacey 'Serpentine cosmopolitics: a cross-cultural analysis of the Rainbow Serpent'

Good look at a bad problem. The author is a friend from grad schol at the #University of #Colorado, where she was a faculty member when I was a grad student. She’s since gone on to bigger and better things, and I’ve gone on to … well, things.

Anyway. I’ve never been particularly worried about #Cylons, #Skynet, etc. Humans doing stupid human tricks, and using #AI to do them much faster, OTOH, yeah.

The internet community of anti-science #cranks is an example of #model #collapse happening at human speed. #Antivaxers, #creationists, #climate change #deniers et al. prey on people with legitimate questions about some particular aspect of the broad #consensus. Those people often go down an increasingly loony rabbit hole, and end up propagating the absurdity, sometimes adding their own bizarre spin which their new-found colleagues happily add to the ideology.

If this becomes part of the #academic ecosystem, with AI reviewers approving AI-generated #papers and no human checks on the process, the scholarly corpus will become hopelessly contaminated. I have no idea what to do about that.

The ConversationA new ‘AI scientist’ can write science papers without any human input. Here’s why that’s a problemAI systems mass-producing cheap research would be bad news for an already struggling scientific ecosystem.