No word on pastiche and the EU digital copyright directive??
Everyone has the right to move freely and choose where to live within their country. Also, you have the right to leave any country and return to your own. Freedom to move is for everyone! #IHRF #HumanRights #Article13
If you saw the #Article17 #Article13 mess over at the EU, it's inevitable that the US is likely going down this route much like the EU has. This is a first major step in doing that.
Réseaux sociaux : la loi des GAFAM - 28 Minutes - ARTE
Le 8 janvier 2020, Twitter a décidé de supprimer totalement le compte personnel du président américain sortant Donald Trump considérant qu'il continuait — par ces tweets — à inciter à la violence. Les GAFAM ne sont-elles pas trop laxistes en ce qui concerne leurs contenus ? N'est-ce pas au contraire dangereux qu'une entreprise privée ait un pouvoir de censure ?
Comme quasiment chaque nation, la Suisse a signé la #Convention d' #Ovedio et tous les gouvernements des signataires ont PIÉTINÉ cette convention, dont l' #article13 particulièrement, (pour la version suisse) interdisant toute #modification du #génome #humain en autorisant la #thérapie #génique à #ARNm de #pfizer ( #TGARNm):
Saying this again, A EU-like #Article13 #Article17 Copyright Directive is inevitably coming.
#1yrago Elizabeth Warren proposes holding execs criminally liable for scams and data breaches
#1yrago 540 million Facebook users' data exposed by third party developers
#1yrago After months of insisting that #Article13 doesn't require filters, top EU Commissioner says "Article 13 requires filters"
#5yrsago NYPD caught wikiwashing Wikipedia entries on police brutality
#1yrago Gimlet staff announce unionization plan following Spotify acquisition
#1yrago With days to go until the #CopyrightDirective vote, #Article13's father admits it requires filters and says he's OK with killing Youtube