RE: live chat in Podverse
One of the most popular requests we've been getting is adding support for live chat during live streams. This would be a killer feature, but we're constrained by the fact there isn't an official 2.0 namespace for it yet.
It's also a complex issue. For ex. if a podcast uses IRC, then a user will need to log into each individual chat room. Not a great UX. But if a podcast uses XMPP or Matrix then they could log in once and join any server with the same federated account
Our preference at the moment would be XMPP, because it is a federated chat solution that is much simpler to integrate than Matrix (according to what I've heard). That said, we know we need to meet podcasters and listeners where they are at, so we're also open to IRC and/or Matrix if people can help define a path forward for us.
@podverse one thing on the side of @matrix is that it can be a hub for other protocols too: for example, all of @liberachat is bridged and other #IRC servers could be too. Some quick reading makes it seem similar may be true for #XMPP.
@technicalissues @podverse @matrix @liberachat
Matrix has made it part of the marketing strategy to say that they're all about providing interoperability and bridges between chat protocols.
The funny thing is, this is largely the same stuff that XMPP people said twenty years ago.
For XMPP, there is Biboumi which is a bridge between IRC and XMPP and which works well.
Besides IRC, are there other platforms that are reliably bridged to Matrix? They stopped making an effort bridging XMPP.
@technicalissues @podverse @matrix @liberachat
Eventually it fell upon an XMPP-guy to work on improving the Matrix/XMPP bridge.
@jcbrand @technicalissues @podverse @matrix @liberachat
where is the problem?