Also: I know there are many people looking for work right now. Add multiple years of covid and remote work and the disintegration of social networks, and it all feels super competitive and isolating. Also the modern “grindset” hustle culture took something central to human experience and turned it into “networking.”
I reject that whole vibe. I feel like there’s a lot to be gained by just talking to people, and I haven’t been doing enough of that lately.
So here’s an invitation: let’s talk! If you’re looking for work yourself, want to commiserate or share leads, get help with something, or just hang out, I’m available – just send me a DM and we'll set something up. Alternately – write me! My deets are public.
And btw: I’m working under the assumption that most people will not reach out even if they wanted to, because it feels odd.
To that I will say: I once made a pair of pants out of a silver garbage bag and wore it to class as a conversation starter. Another time I smuggled a plate of baklava into a theater under my hat to share. I am fluent in odd. hmu!