Intellectual humility is associated with less affective polarization and, among conservatives, less polarized attitudes
Perhaps driven by more political heterophily among the humble
#socpych #polpsych #polisci #research #socialscience #socialNetworks #polarization #politics #conservatives #attitudes #newpaper #newpsychresearch @socialpsych @politicalscience
@mjb @socialpsych @politicalscience how does one instigate intellectual humility, political and heterophily?
Other than my practicing those things yourself, and trying to get your in-group to follow. (Pretty hard in a lot if progressive spaces)
@douginamug There are some people working on this, but I don't think we really know yet
@mjb great, super interested to hear of developments there.
Do you know much about the situationists? Was any research done on the effects of their activities?